Thursday, February 25, 2010

Planted Tank Filter Advice for Beginners

Planted Aquarium Filter Advice
To make an aquarium look really awesome you may want to consider adding some freshwater plants. Why? That's a really good question to ask. The reason they are awesome is because of all the things that plants can do to enhance your aquarium. For example, most freshwater plants are colorful, thus adding beauty to your tank. Plus, they can help in maintaining your aquarium, acting as a natural filter, as well as give shelter for any fish that you may have.

It does require some work on your part in order to have live plants in your tank. But the benefits are spectacular! Its not hard to have freshwater plants and if you have the right kind of lighting and you don't put in any kind of fish that may eat the plants, you'll be good.

If you think back to chemistry class, you may remember the topic of photosynthesis and how light plays a major part in the growing process. But in addition, the real benefit of plants is they consume the nutrients in the water that are given off by fish, and thus is harmful, but in return they give off oxygen, which can enrich your tank! Having a good lighting system is imperative to this process. So basically, if you put in live plants in your tank, you are actually adding a live filter.

But you will still need additional filters to make your tank run smoothly. Don't use an under gravel filter, but you may consider any hang on the back (HOB), that is big enough for the size of your aquarium. Try to avoid any filter than can cause a lot movement with the water. You want your water to cycle but you don't want a huge under current.

Yes, adding live plants to your aquarium is certainly beneficial plus it makes your tank look beautiful. Using plants as natural filters is a good route to go and it is more natural for fish than fake plants. Always add an additional filter to remove excess debris, but avoid too much current flow. Hopefully this filter advice for planted aquariums will help you in setting up an aquarium filled with beauty.

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