Thursday, February 25, 2010

Freshwater Aquarium Problems You May Encounter

Freshwater Tank Problems
Having an aquarium can be a truly satisfying hobby, especially if a tank is well maintained and filled with colorful and attractive fish, rocks, plants, and other creatures. But even a clean, beautiful aquarium can become very unsightly if it becomes dirty, if you have sick fish, or if the tank is covered by algae.

This can become a major problem if you do not take care of your tank. An aquarium may appear to run on autopilot, but it doesn't in actuality. You must stay on top of your tank or you will have problems! What can you do to make sure you don't run into major problems with your aquarium?

The most important thing is to make sure your water is clean, fresh, and healthy. Adding a good filter can help to ensure this. A filters job is to cycle your water while removing waste and other substances that are in your aquarium. If you are using a filter that utilizes a filter cartridge, then you will want to check this on a daily basis and make sure it is still clean. If not, then you will want to change it. Monthly cartridge changes are highly recommended!

If you are not careful, algae can overtake your tank very quickly. And it will get all over everything in your tank. A simple solution is to add fish that feed on algae, such as a Pleco. You may only need one or may need a few, depending on the size of your aquarium.

If your tank has substrate at the bottom, such as gravel, you will want to use a siphon to vacuum any buildup of debris that has embedded itself into your substrate. While you are siphoning out debris you will also be taking out dirty, nasty water. A good rule of thumb is to remove about twenty percent of your water each time you clean. This will keep your water mostly fresh and it will not disrupt the ecosystem too much.

You will want to add back clean, fresh water into your aquarium, but be don't put cold or hot water in. It is good to check the temperature of the replacement water prior to adding it to your tank and make sure that it is fairly close to your tanks temperature. And make sure that no harmful chemicals are being added into your aquarium via your tap water. Always test your tap water, and if you detect even a hint of a dangerous chemical, such as chlorine, then you will want to add another chemical that will de-chlorinate it.

Once your tank is fully established it won't take much to keep it maintained. However, if you slack in maintaining your aquarium it won't take long to look dirty and gross. Heed this aquarium keeping advice and your will avoid having problems in your freshwater aquarium.

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